Rex J. Pratt, director / producer
Born and raised in Southern California, Rex Pratt has been involved in various film and video projects.. His interest in a project is always based upon the ability of the film to move and inspire the viewer. Between Iraq and A Hard Place is a project that became personal as it progressed. It began by documenting the difficulties of troops’s transitioning back to normal life after combat. After almost 2 years of meeting with returning troops, Rex developed a special attachment to the troops. He defines himself as “not easily converted to a new cause”. However, the personal stories that he became involved in have stirred his filmmaking talents and inspired a film that will move you and touch your heart as you experience up close what is in the heart and minds of our young troops. Narrated by Martin Sheen.
Warriors…In Their Own Words came to be through the shared desire with Photographer C.F.Cohen to present a true perspective of “what makes a Warrior”. The film along with Cohen’s coffee table book of portraits, introduces the viewer to heroes from WWII to present day. Their personal, unique stories will inspire and educate the audience. Narrated by Kelsey Grammer, Warriors…In Their Own Words will leave the viewer with a true understanding of why America continues to be the most powerful and compassionate nation on Earth.
Currently Rex is working on a script for a Feature length film based on the true events of his Marine friends.
James Michael Pratt, producer
James Michael Pratt, partner in Pratt Bros Entertainment of Santa Barbara, CA. is a New York Times and USA Today best-selling fiction author. Jim recently completed research and co-writing for the documentary and Rex J. Pratt Film, Between Iraq and a Hard Place. He is currently writing the non-fiction book of the same title while finishing the Pratt Brother’s co-written screenplay, The Good Heart. Called “… a master of moral fiction,” by Booklist, his novels are filled with history laden plots, conflict, and romance.
People Magazine billed Jim’s breakout novel, The Last Valentine (1998-1999) “…a return ticket to Bridges of Madison Country territory.” The story of two war time lovers reunited fifty-five years later is scheduled for a television “Movie of the Week” in early 2007. The Lighthouse Keeper, (2000-2001) and Ticket Home (2001-2002) hit bestseller charts across the country. Kirkus Reviews called the trio “…the fictionalization of The Greatest Generation,” for the vivid portrayal of life and love before, during, and after World War Two.. Jim cultivated story-telling from his earliest days of carefree 1960’s boy at play in the fields and hills near the old Corriganville Movie Ranch sets in Simi Valley, CA. His father’s World War Two combat and two older brother’s Vietnam service influenced Jim, at an early age, to study history in general and military history specifically. Fluent in Spanish, he often uses the language and settings of old California and the Southwest where he grew up to add color, realism, and flavor to his stories.
In memoirs created as tributes to everyday parents, Jim reminds the reader in MOM, The Woman Who Made Oatmeal Stick to My Ribs, and DAD, The Man Who Lied To Save the Planet of a time and place when seemingly complex matters of life had simple, straightforward answers colored by time honored and traditional virtues and values. He recently finished a yet unsold fiction manuscript, The Christ Report.
More on James Michael Pratt see: